The Technology Industries of Finland Centennial Foundation
Steel and Metal Producers' Fund Funding call for year 2020


The purpose of the Steel and Metal Producer’s Fund is to support scientific research and education related to entire metal production value chain. The Fund supports both technology and business-related research and education activities at Finnish universities.

                                       Call for applications 1 – 30 September 2019

The Steel and Metal Producers' Fund:

  • Awards grants for undergraduate students to support studies in Finland or abroad.
  • Awards grants for research groups, post docs and doctoral students working in Finnish universities. The focus is in supporting doctoral students.
  • Awards travel grants to support participation in international conferences and research visits.
  • Supports international cooperation by awarding grants for studies and research visits at foreign universities

Grants for undergraduate studies are 1 100 euros for studies in Finland and 1 500 euros for studies abroad. A grant can be applied also for studies abroad during Fall 2019. Grants for doctoral students and post docs are 22 000 euros. Size of research group grants or travel grants is not pre-defined. The Fund may also grant awards for excellent thesis works.

The grants are awarded for one calendar year at a time. One project can receive funding for maximum three years. For the year 2020, the Fund will award approximately total of 300 000 Euros. The results of the funding call will be published in late November or early December 2019.

How to apply?

Go to the application system here: . The results of the call will be communicated to the applicants by email. The awarded grants will be published on the web page of the Fund.

 More information

Authorized representative Juho Talonen, tel. 040 595 1181, email: juho.talonen(at)